4) Slip-Stop Slippery swimming pool deck - how to prevent slippery swimming pool deck, or slippery tile floor?
The best time to prevent slip& fall accident on slippery floor is before they happen! But is this possible? Yes!
Anti Slip Protection Company produces exactly what you need to prevent slipping on slippery swimming pool deck. Product #102 etching will work around this slippery issue, the anti slip solution for slippery swimming pool deck.
Anti-Slip Floor Etching Product #102 for Slippery ceramic tile, porcelain tile and concrete have different textures, hard surfaces, and many of them need a different anti-slip treatment for slip resistance.
Application: Mix the concentrate with no less than three-quarters gallon of water and no more than 1 (one) gallon per 8oz bottle of concentrate, to get the average slip resistance, 0.60 Static Coefficient of Fraction, or more. If mixture is too strong and ceramic tiles change color, add more water. Avoid high heat. The best temperature is below 90 Fahrenheit in the shade. Please always test a small area first, before you apply the non-slip, no-slip product all over.
Anti Slip Etching 8 FL. Oz. bottle mix with (1) gallon water covers up to 400 sq. ft. $ 59.99
Anti Slip Etching 2 FL. Oz. bottle mix with 1/4 gallon water covers up to 100 sq. ft. $19.99
Anti slip coating sealer slip-resistant for marble and tile floor
Real Testimonials
Anti-Slip Transparent Coating #101: glossy tile are very slippery when wet so it is very important to put a slip-resistant coating on them.
Beautiful and slip resistant floor after application anti-slip coating: Anti-Slip Coating #101
Application: Coating Anti-Skid, Non-Slips product, solution use directly from the bottle, apply with a clean white towel, paintbrush or roller. Keep the surface wet for penetration time of 3-5 minutes and remove surplus product before dry with a clean white towel (cotton), or baffling machine. If the sealer dries on the surface, reapply again # 01 and wipe it immediate. For better slip resistant I recommend a second coat for some surfaces. Complete the drying time in between 6 to 12 hours. Floor should be clean and dry before using this anti-slip, non-slip solution. The anti-slip sealer increases slip resistant up to 80% and prevent slipping on marble, or vinyl floor in wet condition. Anti Slip Protection Company to ensure that your marble floor, or glass tile floor will be shiny, safe and slip-resistant! Is that what you are looking for and need?
Anti Slip Protection for Slippery Floors: just in case if an accident happens, and your floor or swimming pool deck is slip resistant and has a Static Coefficient of Fraction is 0.60 and over, then you won’t be responsible for any slip/fall accident. According to existing law, your floor is safe.
Anti Slip Product #101 COATING
Anti-Slip Floor Coating 8 FL. Oz. bottle covers up to 300 sq. ft. Price: $ 59.99 Free shipping in USA.
300 sq. ft. = 28 squared meters. 
Anti-Slip Floor Coating 2 Fl. Oz. bottle covers up to 75 sq. ft. Price: $19.99 Free shipping in USA.
Anti-Slip Protection Coating Anti-Slip Transparent Coating Anti-Slip Clear Coating
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Anti Slip Protection 13360 Bradley Ave Sylmar, CA 91342 USA
www.antislipprotectionusa.com World Slip-Stop